Our governing body is the Board of Trustees who have full decision-making authority on behalf of the membership. The Board has established a number of specialist committees and working groups to help carry out the work of the charity, each has its own terms of reference.

At all meetings of the Board and committees, if any of those present have a possible conflict of interest it is declared and, if necessary, that person is excluded from discussion on the relevant matter.

The Finance Committee advises the Board on matters relating to the financial management of the charity and its investment and property assets.

Current members: Paul Chapman (Chairman), Karen Rothwell, Christopher Spokes, Sally Adelman, John Moore. 

The Planning Committee provides advice to the Board on planning issues and large-scale development plans impacting on the greater Cambridge area. It concentrates on safeguarding heritage, landscape, green spaces and other public amenities.

Current members: David Adamson, Chris Blencowe, Dinah Brooks, Brian Cleary, Baroness Janet Cohen, Patsy Dell, Donald Douglas, Edward Leigh, Dr Robin Pellew, David Stewart, Peter Studdert, Richard Townley and Bill Wicksteed.

The Heritage Watch Group provides advice regarding protecting the heritage and historic buildings in the greater Cambridge area. It also leads on specific heritage projects and campaigns, such as Cambridge Market Square and Conservation Area Reviews.

Current members: Wendy Andrews, Michael Goodhart, Dr John Gray, Lucy Gray, Penny Heath, Prof Peter Landshoff and John Preston.

Cambridge & District Blue Plaques Committee carries out the work of selecting, erecting, celebrating and maintaining the blue plaques.

Current members: Jonathan Barker, Tom Bygott, Julia Eisen, Corine Garvey (South Cambs Council), Penny Heath (Chair), Jonathan Hurst, Glenys Jackson and Honor Ridout.