Sunday 06 October, 2.30pm-5.00pm (last entry 4.30pm)

Hinxton Watermill Open Day 

Come and experience this wonderful working watermill set in picturesque surroundings on the River Cam, in the historic village of Hinxton. 

On six Sundays during the summer the seventeenth century mill is opened and guides will show you how the mill works and tell you the history of this incredible building. There has been a watermill at this site since the time of the Doomsday Book in 1086. 

Children can take part in the popular Where’s Ratty contest and have the chance to win a prize! 

There are also walks along the river and picnic tables.  

The watermill is owned by local charity Cambridge Past Present & Future and run by dedicated volunteers.  

Members free, non-members £3 adult, £1 per child. No need to book. Last entry is 4.30pm.