Chief Executive James Littlewood Expand James provides leadership of the charity, driving its strategic direction and achievement of its charitable objectives. He has delegated authority for day-day running of the charity and reports to the Board of Trustees. James works full-time and can be contacted at [email protected] or 01223 243830.
Head of Finance & Operations and Company Secretary Ceri Littlechild Expand Ceri is responsible for day-to-day management of the charity’s finances, HR, office and IT functions. Through our Land Agent, she is also responsible for the repairs to investment properties and their letting. As Company Secretary she is responsible for servicing meetings of the Board of Trustees, Finance Committee and AGM, production of trustees’ annual report and ensuring returns to Charity Commission and Companies House. Ceri works part-time (Mon, Tues, Wed and every other Thursday) and can be contacted at [email protected]or 01223 243830.
Countryside Manager Ed Wombwell Expand Our Countryside Manager, Ed Wombwell is responsible for the day-to-day management of Wandlebury Country Park, Coton Countryside Reserve, Bourn Windmill, Hinxton Watermill, Leper Chapel and other Cambridge Past, Present & Future managed green spaces. Ed works full-time. He can be contacted at [email protected] or 07852 417526.
Principal Planning Officer Sarah Nicholas Expand Sarah is our Principal Planning Officer and she works with and supports our Planning Committee, Heritage Watch Group and other relevant individuals, organisations and partnerships to influence the planning and development of greater Cambridge. She can be contacted at [email protected] or 01223 243830 ext 206.
Fundraising Manager Camila Iturra Expand Milly looks after fundraising for the charity and is always happy to hear from members, donors, patrons and legators. If you would like to discuss your giving, please get in touch. She works Tues, Weds & Thurs and can be contacted at [email protected] or 01223 243830.
Education & Events Co-ordinator and Admin Officer Nicola McLaughlin Expand Nicola organises events, school visits and manages all venue and private bookings. She also supports the day to day running of the office at Cambridge Past, Present & Future, leads membership administration and helps visitors with their enquiries. Nicola works full-time and can be contacted at [email protected] or 01223 243830.
Warden Team James Allsop, Hannah Warren, Thev Cram & Jess Norris Expand Our team of wardens is responsible for carrying out day-day operations relating to visitor and habitat management of Wandlebury Country Park, Coton Countryside Reserve and the other sites owned and managed by Cambridge Past, Present & Future. Wardens are full-time, part-time and seasonal. You can contact them at [email protected] or 01223 243830.
River Cam CAN Officer / Cambridge Nature Network Penelope Chaney Expand Penelope manages the River Cam CAN (Climate Action through Nature) Project. Over 2 years it will deliver work on behalf of the Cambridge Nature Network and other local partner organisations. The project involves communities near the River Cam working on solutions that will benefit them and help to make the city more sustainable and resilient. This project helps more people learn about the problems facing their river system, the connection between these problems and climate and nature emergencies, and about how their actions make a difference. I also run the Cambridge Nature Festival which takes place each June. Penelope also acts as a first point of contact for the Cambridge Nature Network and provides support for the partnership. Penelope works part-time and can be contacted at [email protected] or 01223 243830 (ext. 209)
Memberships & Communications Manager Louise Palmer Expand Louise is our Memberships & Communications Manager, looking after our growing membership and heading up our comms team. She is always happy to hear from members, volunteers and supporters and loves to snap photos of our sites and the people that frequent them. A longterm supporter of Cambridge PPFs green spaces Louise is delighted to work from her favourite one, Wandlebury Country Park. She works Mon-Fri and can be contacted at [email protected] or 01223 243830.
Membership & Development Assistant Gayle Sullivan Expand Gayle is part of our office team, you will find here manning the office Mon, Tues and Fridays. Come along and say hello! She can be contacted at [email protected] or 01223 243830.