Support us Volunteer Planning Committee What we are looking for: Volunteers with experience or knowledge of any of the following: architecture landscape architecture urban design ecology Are you enthusiastic about protecting and improving the built and green environment of the Cambridge area and can use their own computer/IT to do tasks such as reviewing planning applications online? If so, we would love to hear from you. You will be offered An induction Regular support An opportunity to meet people with similar interests. The help we need A large (yet not so obvious) part of our work is in lobbying and advising on the responsible development of Cambridge – its housing, employment and infrastructure. Our work is centered on ensuring a balance between the needs of people, the environment and heritage. This work is carried out by our staff working with the volunteers on our Planning Committee. You would be helping us to: recommend the position of the charity with regard to major development plans, major infrastructure proposals and significant planning applications. review development proposals and help the charity to respond to them (this includes consultation on draft proposals and planning applications). This work is mainly carried out at a monthly meeting but also via email. It might sometimes involve attending events (such as consultation events organised by developers) or attending a site visit. The Planning Committee is comprised of about 10 volunteers with relevant professional experience and is supported by the charity’s Principal Planning Officer. The committee usually meets on the first Monday of the month at 5pm. We often have guest speakers such as developers or council officials. The charity has good working relations with the City, South Cambs District and County Councils. How to volunteer: If you would like to volunteer to join our Planning Committee, please send an email to [email protected] telling us about your relevant knowledge and experience. If you have a CV, then it would be helpful to attach it. If you are a good match for this role, you will be invited for an informal chat at a mutually convenient time. This will enable us to find out more about each other and make sure that this is the right role for you. Manage Cookie Preferences