Coton Countryside Reserve is owned and cared for by Cambridge Past, Present & Future. Our charity purchased the farmland in the 1930s to prevent urban sprawl and protect the historic villages of Coton, Grantchester and Madingley.

The Reserve was established 2004-2008 with the aim of creating public access to the countryside for the growing population of our area and to address the decline in nature. The Reserve is a long-term initiative to create a large area of “wild-belt” on the western side of Cambridge, which is rich in nature, helps to mitigate climate change and improves community wellbeing. The aspiration is for this “wild-belt” to be larger than our own land and involve neighbouring landowners, to help to deliver the vision of the Cambridge Nature Network.

We are currently fundraising for two exciting projects to create 26 acres of new habitats, under the banner of ‘A Wilder Coton’ and if we are successful, then both these projects could start in autumn 2024. Please help if you are able.

Your vision for a wilder Coton Countryside Reserve - have your say

We are also looking to the future and asking what more could we do with 200 acres of arable farmland at Coton to achieve even more benefits for nature, public well-being and climate mitigation, in ways that are financially sustainable for the charity? 

Our staff and trustees have some ideas and during spring 2024 we have been asking the community and stakeholders what they think about these, and how the reserve could be improved over time. 

The online survey has now closed but click here to see our plans and the questions we are asking. If you would like to share your views with us then please email these to [email protected]

We will publish a summary of the findings on this webpage in summer 2024.