News Work begins on an exciting new pond for Wandlebury Country Park The company contracted to build the new pond, Miles Water Engineering, are now shaping the profile of the pond. The water for the new pond will be collected from rainwater falling on nearby roofs and will run along pipes to fill the pond. The first stage of this project is scheduled to be completed in the next month. Glenn Mulleady, Head of Estates, is looking forward to how the pond will transform this prominent area of the park, he said, “The new pond will provide wildlife habitat, be an attractive landscape feature and an essential resource for our successful outdoor education programme. This project will create much needed new habitat for plants and animals to live and grow, helping to tackle the global biodiversity crisis. It will also provide even more interest for visiting families and schoolchildren who can learn all about ecosystems and see different species that will make their homes in and around the new pond.”The first stage of works has been funded by a grant from Mick George Limited but the charity still needs to raise funds to purchase native aquatic plants, which will be planted by volunteers at the end of winter. We are encouraging people to make donations towards the Pond Project Appeal here Here is our fabulous group of volunteers helping the Wandlebury Country Park Wardens to clear the site: Manage Cookie Preferences