
Celebrating 70 years of Wandlebury Country Park - give to the 70th birthday appeal to raise £70,000!

On 26 April 1954 our charity announced it had purchased the Wandlebury estate, saving the Gog Magog Hills and creating Cambridge's first country park.

We know how much pleasure Wandlebury has given to hundreds of thousands of people and we are proud of the charity's work to improve biodiversity and care for such a special historic place. One of the ways we are marking this special birthday is by launching a special birthday appeal to raise £70,000 so that Wandlebury continues to be an amazing place for future generations to enjoy.

Cambridge Past, Present & Future Chief Exec, James Littlewood

Wandlebury is a fantastic place for everyone to connect to nature and local history all year round and we want to celebrate this milestone by making some improvements. Please consider supporting the 70th birthday appeal to give Wandlebury the present it deserves, to keep it just as wonderful for the next 70 years! Everyone giving towards the appeal will be able to have their gift acknowledged, if they wish, and see their name on a 70th Birthday roll of honour on our website.

Your support will enable us to:

Repair the iconic clock tower

The iconic cupola, or clock tower, is leaking and needs several sections of the external cladding replacing. The upper part will also be repainted so that it is a fitting beacon for the park.

Donate towards restoring the clock tower

Help us understand more about Wandlebury's invertebrates

Wandlebury is home to an amazing variety of insects, including some that are rare such as the Golden Hoverfly. We would like to commission a professional ecological survey to better understand the species that make Wandlebury their home. This information will enable us to better care for and protect this really important group of creatures.

Donate towards new ecological surveys

Complete restoration of the Ring wall

Not many places can boast about a circular walled garden on top of an Iron Age hill fort. Wandlebury still has a complete 18th century wall and from 2000-2018 most of it was restored (see photo). However there is still one section which is in a state of decay and must be repaired in order to stop it from eventually crumbling into dust. Help us save it for future generations.

Donate towards restoring the ring wall

Purchase a larger tractor

In recent years we have increased the amount of land at Wandlebury by 25% and our hardworking and dedicated warden team is also improving the way that it manages our habitats to make them even better for nature. This means more work and we need larger machinery to enable us to do this work effectively. They need a good quality second-hand one larger tractor. Please help our estate team to have the right tools to care for Wandlebury.

Donate towards replacing the estate vehicle

Support Wandlebury's warden team

The 140 acres of Wandlebury are cared for by our dedicated and knowledgable team of 5 wardens, supported by over 150 volunteers. They make sure that the woodlands, meadows, ponds, paths and visitor facilities in the beautiful country park look their best all year round for us all to enjoy and that visitor facilities are safely maintained. As the park has grown in size by 25 acres in recent years we need your help to meet the costs of the Warden Team and volunteers so that they can continue to make Wandlebury special.

hDonate towards supporting the warden team

Please help us raise the £70,000 needed to make Wandlebury wonderful for the next 70 years!
