Support us Ways to give Regular Giving Cambridge Past, Present & Future is Cambridge's independent charity that cares for its heritage and green spaces. Our country parks and reserves at Wandlebury and Coton, the windmill at Bourn, the watermill at Hinxton and the Leper Chapel in Cambridge city are enjoyed and supported by their local communities and more than 100 volunteers every year. Our warden team and office staff work hard to protect and conserve our woodland, meadows, fields and hedges, to open up the green spaces and historic sites to as many people as possible through events and education and to enrich the land we look after for nature. Our charity also scrutinises and influences planning applications throughout Greater Cambridge to make sure that development is as sustainable as possible. The charity does not receive any statutory funding so we are solely reliant on donations, memberships, grants and gifts to fund all the work we do every year. Regular giving means that the predictable and reliable income it creates makes forward planning easier and therefore increases the effectiveness with which we can operate. A regular gift, of any size makes a huge difference to nature and heritage in Cambridge. Give when it suits you - set up your regular monthly or annual donation here Manage Cookie Preferences